Build a Cron-Job in Nodejs

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In this article we're gonna learn how to create a simple clock alarm to wake us up at 7am using nodejs. A cron job let you define a pattern of recurrence to perform a given task. we are going to use the package cron to make the cron job handling easier, a cron uses a specific syntax to create a recurrence pattern, is a great place to learn more about the syntax and find what patterns do you need for your application

You need to be aware of the basics about nodejs and express, we build a server with these technologies.

Installing Dependencies

yarn add express yarn add cron


Our cron jobs stayed in the backend, therefore we need to up a server in Nodejs, I’m using express but we can use koaJS too, to make it easier I created a repository on my github. In app.js we will have a server importing a job service.

Let's understand how a job works, we will import it into app.js

// app.js import 'dotenv/config' import './app/models' import express from 'express' import 'express-async-errors' import cors from 'cors' import { routes } from './routes' import jobs from './app/jobs' import { keys } from './configs/keys' const port = keys.port || 3001 const app = express() app.use(cors()) app.use(express.json({})) app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })) app.use(routes) // Jobs jobs.clock() app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`We are live on ${port}`) console.log(`Environment: ${keys.environment}`) })

Great, in this service we can see that there's a job called a clock that will manage hours to wake up, let's see how to configure this.

How cron-jobs works

Inside the jobs→clock folder on github, let's explain what each thing does. starting with index.js it does the work of calling all the other files needed to run the job.

import { CronJob } from 'cron' import moment from 'moment' import getCronTime from './getCronTime' import { getJob } from './getJob' import cronJobCompleted from './cronJobCompleted' import cronJobShouldStart from './cronJobShouldStart' import getTimeZone from './getTimeZone' function clock(): void { const job = new CronJob( getCronTime(), getJob, cronJobCompleted, cronJobShouldStart(), getTimeZone() ) const nextDate = job.nextDate().format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss') const appStartedAt = moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss') const loggerPrefix = '[CRON JOB] clock job' console.log(`${loggerPrefix} next date: ${nextDate}`) console.log(`${loggerPrefix} started at: ${appStartedAt}`) } export { clock }

Starting with the imports, we first import cron, a javascript lib to handle cron jobs, just below comes the moment to handle date and time, nothing out of this world.

Now comes the imports of the files that we need to create to run a cron-job, let's start with getCronTime

function getCronTime(): string { return '0 7 * * *' } export default getCronTime

This file is very important, it determines what time your cron-job will run, we have a website to practice this, you can train here crontab-guru, we want our cron job to run every day at 7 am so we will have cron-time like this 0 7 * * *

Let's take a look at getJob, this is another important file, every time our cron runs at 7 am it will run what is inside this getJob for now we have a console.log inside it, see how it turned out

const getJob = (): void => { console.log('ALARM CLOCK RINGING!!!') } export { getJob }

This is a simple code, but we can see how powerful it becomes, we can have a script to send email among other things inside this file called getJob

Let's go to the next one, cronJobCompleted this file contains a return of null, because we don't want to do anything else after it completes the cron. Then it will look like this:

function cronJobCompleted(): null { return null } export default cronJobCompleted

Now we have the cronJobShouldStart this file will return true, if this file is false inside your job you will need to call a .start() for the job to start, so we leave it as true to not waste time with it.

function cronJobShouldStart(): boolean { return true } export default cronJobShouldStart

Finally, we have getTimeZone, which is the São Paulo time zone as a reference so as not to get lost and always have Brazil as a reference

function getTimeZone(): string { return 'America/Sao_Paulo' } export default getTimeZone

Basically our cron-job is ready, if you want to have an idea when it started and when it will be the next time it will run, you can have these consoles inside the function

const nextDate = job.nextDate().format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss') const appStartedAt = moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss') const loggerPrefix = '[CRON JOB] clock job' console.log(`${loggerPrefix} next date: ${nextDate}`) console.log(`${loggerPrefix} started at: ${appStartedAt}`)

Now we have a cron job working, thanks for reading this article! If you have any questions, DM me on twitter.


We see how easy it is to use a cron-jobs in nodejs using express server, now we can schedule a time to perform some function, thanks for reading